Reunion Group Information Page
If you would like info on a group or need to register your group,
contact Blake Curtis or Meadow Forget
High Plains Emmaus Board Reunion Group Coordinators
"Catch on fire & others will love to come watch you burn."
- John Wesley
"As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend."
- Proverbs 27:17
As nearly every person that has "caught fire" spiritually from a Walk to Emmaus can testify, the fire will quickly dwindle if you are left to walk your 4th days on your own. Once you have had your eyes opened to the love of God for you, and the love He has placed in others for you, and you for others, the VERY best way to keep the fire burning is to unite with others and let the process of iron sharpening commence.
Should I start a Reunion Group?
While there are many established Reunion Groups in the High Plains Emmaus Community, and most all of them would welcome the opportunity to receive a new member, it is always difficult for a new member to join a group that has been established and meeting for any length of time. The time needed to establish continuity and familiarity makes it challenging. The BEST option for a successful Reunion Group is for those who have shared their Walk experience together to unite and continue to grow together.
One of the tasks of the Reunion Group coordinator is to help you establish a successful group. All you need is a group of people interested in starting a Reunion Group, and an agreed-upon time to meet. Then, contact the Reunion Group coordinator, and he can assign someone to come meet with you for the first couple of meetings to show you the ropes!
Emmaus teaches followers of Jesus to be leaders!
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying; 'Whom shall I send, and who shall go for me?' Then I said, 'Here I am, send me." - Isaiah 6:8
Is it you that needs to take the first step to uniting others and starting a powerful, meaningful Group Reunion? Let THIS be the first step taken to become a confidant leader in the body of Christ.

Open Reunion Groups
Brothers In Christ (B.I.C.)
6:00 - 7:00 a.m.
810 E 21st St
Clovis, NM
George Ratledge, Jerry Swenson
Every Third Tuesday
Women's Bible Study
9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
2501 N Norris Street
Clovis, NM
Sherry Best
Group Reunion Card